The orginal version of a presentation of Pub-Me CMS was designed in about a half day including graphics and content. It was supposed to be just a temporary presentation and a new website was going to be designed as soon as possible.
It was more than two years ago. A lot of has happened since then. The content management system has been implemented on a lot of websites but the presentation was still just waiting for a new face.
Introduction of the new presentation
Fortunatelly, it is possible to say that this unsatisfactory situation is history.
The presetnation that we are introducing to you today did not take a half day to create and its content is much larger and thus let us say a few words about what you can find here.
A page about the system brings a detailed description of what the system supports in the framework of basic installation and what add-ins are available, you can have a look at administration screenshots, and, of course, there is also a page dedicated to system requirements.
References bring an overview of complete realizations and there is also a page with informaition on pricing. You can also order access to a trial version of the administration interface, and get contact information.
Besides these pages, available via the menu, there is also a site map and an archive of articles.
Now there is just one thing to wish: may you enjoy the new website.